Sandeep Reddy Vanga’s latest film, Animal has become a conversation starter, with every viewer having a different opinion about the Ranbir Kapoor-starrer. While some find the film overly misogynistic and violent, for some, it is a complete entertainer. Recently, actor Bhumi Pednekar watched the film and shared her opinion on it. She said though she is not a fan of “hyper-masculine films”, she feels every filmmaker “should have freedom of expression”.
Joining the debate on Animal, Bhumi said while a film director can say whatever they want to say through their film, it is on the audience what they take away from it. On being asked about her opinion on the film during an interview with Jist, Bhumi said, “My genre as an audience is not hyper-masculine films, I get bored while watching them. My genre is rom-com, and romance, I enjoy this genre. I don’t understand action films.”
However, she added, “I do feel every filmmaker has the right of self-expression but how the audience perceives that self-expression is where it becomes tricky. It is a filmmaker’s prerogative, but as an audience, it is on us also to see where are we leading with our society.”
Bhumi also opined that Vanga never justifies the actions of Ranbir’s character Ranvijay, “When I look at Animal, I look at a character who is the avatar of max toxic masculinity. I am addressing that, I don’t want my son to become that. I don’t think even the filmmaker is justifying his action anywhere in the film. He is an anti-social element of the society.”
‘Take inspiration from 12th Fail, not Animal’
As per the Dum Lag Ke Haisha actor, it is on the audience to decide from which film they want to draw inspiration, a 12th Fail or Animal. “As a filmmaker, you need to have freedom of expression, but as an audience, we need to understand…like while watching 12th Fail, you know you have to be like that person, take inspiration from him similarly you don’t have to take inspiration from that character (Animal’s Ranvijay),” said Bhumi.
Sandeep Reddy Vanga grabbed the Best Director trophy for his box office blockbuster Animal at the recently held